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- Conference Secretariats
- Scientific Secretariat: scpme35@metu.edu.tr
- Administrative Secretariat: adminpme35@arber.com.tr
- Conference Registrar: pme35register@gmail.com
Welcome Message
With my great pleasure and excitement I invite you to attend the PME 35, the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, to be held in Ankara at Middle East Technical University (METU) from 10 to 15 July 2011.
PME 35 will be a great opportunity for mathematics educators around the world to share the most up-to-date information regarding mathematics education generally and developing mathematical thinking specifically. At this year’s conference, by understanding how we can develop mathematical thinking, we can take wiser, more effective actions for the future mathematics education. We have an exciting scientific and social programme lined up for you. Bring your family along, you and your family will experience the vibrancy, excitement and energy when you visit us in 2011.
Again, welcome to Ankara and to PME 35. I hope that you will find the conference informative and enjoyable, that you will find opportunity to meet new friends and visit with old friends, and that you will have a great stay in Ankara.
Enjoy the conference and enjoy your stay in the Turkey!
Chair of PME 35
Middle East Technical University
Education Faculty
Secondary Science and Mathematics Education